Get In Touch

Whether you’re interested in becoming a member, volunteering for a community service project, or just learning more about JCI Kuala Lumpur West, we’re here to help. Don’t hesitate to contact us – we’d love to hear from you!

Have a Question?

Frequently asked Question.

What is JCI?

JCI is a non-profit organization that provides young people with opportunities to develop leadership skills, social responsibility, entrepreneurship, and fellowship necessary to create positive change in their communities.

What are the benefits of joining JCI?

Joining JCI provides you with opportunities to develop leadership skills, meet new people, make a positive impact in your community, and connect with other young professionals from around the world.

How can I get involved with JCI?

You can get involved with JCI by joining JCI Kuala Lumpur West, attending JCI events and programs, volunteering for JCI projects, and connecting with other JCI members through JCI’s online community.

Is JCI a charity organization?

Junior Chamber International (JCI) is not a charity organization, but rather a non-profit organization. While both types of organizations are focused on making a positive impact in their communities, there are some key differences between them.

What kind of projects does JCI organize?

JCI organizes various projects focused on areas such as business and entrepreneurship, civic engagement, international relations, and personal development. Examples of JCI projects include community clean-up efforts, business and entrepreneurship workshops, and social impact campaigns.


What they think about Donatenow

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See their smile, and give a better life.

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Years Operation

Create Positive Impact For Our Community